Remembering this period, Jews today count "the Omer" -- 50 days from the beginning of the passover holiday until they reach the Shavuot holiday, the holiday when Jews commemorate receiving the LAW.
This is a project between Ora's ninth grade class at Sieff and Marks School in Jerusalem and Lora Duncan's class in Florida, USA. We will be discussion our cities and some of our traditions.
Hi. My name is Jenny. I also have a holiday where we count days. I am Greek Orthodox. For Easter, we count days and we fast for 40 days. We don't give up all food, but I can't eat meat or dairy products during that time. When it is Easter, at midnight we go to church and then we eat dinner when we get home. Have a good summer.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Sam. I am Catholic so I do not celebrate the Jewish holidays, but my best friends is Jewish and he tells me about his religion. It sounds very interesting, especially since my religion is from yours.
ReplyDeleteHave a good summer.