Festival of Weeks
Shavuot comes seven weeks after Pesah
On Shavout my family and I go on a Picnic with our friends.
We go to the the Rose Garden and eat milk products.
We play games and have some fun.
This is a project between Ora's ninth grade class at Sieff and Marks School in Jerusalem and Lora Duncan's class in Florida, USA. We will be discussion our cities and some of our traditions.
Hello My name is Brennan. I go to a school called Dayspring Academy. I am in the 7th grade. I read your post about Shavot and how it is during the summer, and about what you eat. I am 12 and I live in a city called Port Richey, which is Florida on the East Coast. During the summer my family and I will be going on a cruise and next year I will be in the 8th grade. I would like to know how old you are and if you had a chance to move to the USA, would you want to move here? What is it like in Isreal?